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Savings rates.Earn more and make money.

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Checking Accounts

Checking Account Dividends
ProductDividend RateAPY
Choice Checking0.01%0.01%
Student Checking15.00%5.12%
Medallion Checking20.01%0.01%
Vintage Checking0.01%0.01%
Calculate Your Dividend Open An Account

$25 minimum balance to open account. Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Charge.

Choice Checking: (a) minimum average daily balance of $1,500 in this account ($0.00 if under age 18); (b) aggregate average balance of $5,000 or more in all deposit accounts within the same Member Information File (MIF); or (c) any consumer loan of $10,000 or more (includes car loan and installment) — otherwise, $15.00 per month.

1Student Checking up to age 23. 5.12% APY paid on deposits up to $1,000. Restrictions apply.

2Medallion checking account closed to new depositors

Savings Accounts

Savings Account Dividends
ProductMin. BalanceDividend RateAPY
Prime Share Savings1$250.05%0.05%
Custom ShareNone0.05%0.05%
Christmas Club$250.05%0.05%
Primary IRANone0.05%0.05%
Next Generation2None5.00%5.12%
Calculate Your Dividend Open An Account

1Prime Share Savings: (a) maintain an average daily balance of $25 or more ($0.00 if under age 18) otherwise $5 per month.

2Exclusively for members under the age of 19. 5.12% APY paid on deposits up to $10,000. Restrictions apply.

Money Market

Money Market Dividends
TierDividend RateAPY
$1,000 - $2,4990.25%0.25%
$2,500 - $9,9990.30%0.30%
$10,000 - $24,9990.35%0.35%
$25,000 - $49,9990.40%0.40%


Certificate Dividends
TermDividend RateAPY
2-5 Months0.50%0.50%
6-11 Months1.00%1.00%
12-23 Months1.75%1.76%
24-35 Months2.00%2.02%
36-47 Months2.00%2.02%
48-59 Months2.25%2.27%
60-84 Months2.25%2.27%
Calculate Your Dividend Open An Account

$1,000 minimum balance to open account.

$500 Minimum for Certificate Accounts Issued as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and Student Certificate Accounts age 18-23 ($250 if under age 18). Dividend period/Frequency of Compounding/Crediting: All monthly.

Rewards Certificates

Rewards Certificates Dividends
Dividend RateAPY
Certificate Term of 12 Months
0-4 YrsYes2.00%2.02%
5-9 YrsNo2.00%2.02%
5-9 YrsYes2.25%2.27%
10-14 YrsNo2.25%2.27%
10-14 YrsYes2.75%2.78%
15-19 YrsNo2.50%2.53%
15-19 YrsYes3.25%3.30%
20+ YrsNo2.75%2.78%
20+ YrsYes3.75%3.82%
Certificate Term of 36 Months
0-4 YrsYes2.25%2.27%
5-9 YrsNo2.25%2.27%
5-9 YrsYes2.50%2.53%
10-14 YrsNo2.50%2.53%
10-14 YrsYes3.00%3.04%
15-19 YrsNo2.75%2.78%
15-19 YrsYes3.50%3.56%
20+ YrsNo3.00%3.04%
20+ YrsYes4.00%4.07%
Certificate Term of 60 Months
0-4 YrsYes2.50%2.53%
5-9 YrsNo2.50%2.53%
5-9 YrsYes2.75%2.78%
10-14 YrsNo2.75%2.78%
10-14 YrsYes3.25%3.30%
15-19 YrsNo3.00%3.04%
15-19 YrsYes3.75%3.82%
20+ YrsNo3.25%3.30%
20+ YrsYes4.25%4.33%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APYs are accurate as of the first day of the current month and are subject to change. The assessment of any applicable fees will reduce the Annual Percentage Yield. Fees: Please refer to our Truth in Savings Disclosure to review the effect of fees that may be imposed. Early Withdrawal Penalties: A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before the maturity of a certificate.

This Credit Union is Federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Federal regulations prohibit the payment of dividends in excess of available earnings. All rates are subject to change without notice. Ask to receive the Truth-in-Savings Disclosures for any of the above accounts.